Agnès Berthelot-Raffard

Associate Professor

Locations / Contact Info:

Keele Campus

Email address(es):

Web site(s):

My professional website
Black Health and Disability Justice Lab

Faculty & School/Dept.

Faculty of Health - School of Health Policy & Management


PH.D, Philosophy - 2013
Université de Montréal

PH.D, Philosophy - 2012

MA, Political Philosophy - 2006
Panthéon Sorbonne-Paris 1

Graduate Diplôma in Didactics - 2005
Le Maine, Laval

MA, Philosophy - 2004

M.Ed - 2004


Dr. Agnès Berthelot-Raffard is a political philosopher and ethicist working in feminist theories and epistemologies, critical disability studies, health policy and equity studies, and philosophy of race. 

She has had academic training in several disciplines, including philosophy (Ph.D. Université de Montreal and Université Panthéon-Sorbonne) and sociology of education (Master Degree from the Université de Lille, France), didactics of the French language (Graduate diploma from the Université du Maine, France).

She has also been a visiting researcher in medical sociology (Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany) and social gerontology and aging (Oxford University, UK). In 2023, she was Muriel Gold Visiting Professor at McGill University




Canadian Philosophical Association
Board of directors

Center of Research Ethics
Research associate

Institut Santé et Société
Research associate

The Harriett Tubman Institute of Research at York
Executive member

Faculty of Graduate studies in Gender and Women studies

Faculty of Graduate Studies in Philosophy

Faculty of Graduate studies in Critical Disability Studies

Faculty of Graduate studies in Health

Service/Community Activities

Black Students' Mental Health Project
Founder and President


Currently available to supervise graduate students: Yes

Currently taking on work-study students, Graduate Assistants or Volunteers: Not Indicated

Available to supervise undergraduate thesis projects: Not Indicated

Current Research

Promoting Black Students'Mental Health: A Pan-Canadian Research and Intervention Project on Social Determinants of Health and Equity in Canadian Universities.

This pan-Canadian project has a research component that generates evidence-based data on Canada's Black students' population. It also focuses on mental health promotion by its intervention component, which aims to equip Black students to improve their mental health. This community-based and equity-based project includes 23 partners across Canada: mental health associations, community organizations, mental health practitioners, social workers, research centers in health equity and policy, students union, etc.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount of Funding: $ 400,000
Year: 2021
Duration: 3
Funding Source: Public Health Agency of Canada

Breaking the silence for the inclusion and the social participation of Black Students

This research-creation project aims to raise awareness of the structures that perpetuate and reinforce black students' barriers during their pathways from university to employment. In addition, this visual art project promotes the students' social participation.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount of Funding: $ 226,798
Year: 2021
Duration: 2
Funding Source: Heritage Canada

Black Women's Reproductive Health: Experience in the Healthcare System

This community-based research aims to understand how Black women are mistreated and subjected to racial-biased treatment protocols and healthcare professionals' racial bias in the Quebec healthcare system.
Role: Principal Investigator
Amount of Funding: $ 12,000
Year: 2020
Duration: 2
Funding Source: UQAM